Whether you’re looking to achieve LEED certification for your new building or simply hoping to go a little greener on your next project, you’ve probably wondered, or even...
Industry Trends
What College Campuses are Doing to Prepare for the Fall Semester
Right now, university and college leaders across the country are fielding a lot of questions about the future. What will the fall semester look like? When will classrooms open...
Why Current Market Conditions are Right for Modular Construction
Modular construction isn’t new. In fact, it’s more than a century old. (The building method was used during the post-war boom for social housing in the 40’s and 50’s, for...
How Space Planning Can Make Healthcare Projects More Versatile
Right now, we’re seeing healthcare facilities forced to adapt and seek additional treatment spaces as their hospitals are overrun and their resources are exhausted. Just...
4 Trends that are Shaping the Future of Healthcare
I originally planned to write this blog to preview the sessions I was most excited to learn from at the ASHE 2020 PDC Summit. The event was of course cancelled, as we all have...
What Always in Process Means to Us
What exactly is a company culture? Scroll through any corporate website and you’ll find plenty of references to their culture, values, and philosophy. But for us, our culture is...
Out With the Old, In With the New: A 2020 Industry Outlook
At the start of a new year, everyone is focused on looking ahead. It’s another beginning. The start of a new chapter. What would happen if our industry took an “out with the old,...
Who, Where, and Why — Proof That Brick and Mortar Retail is Relevant
Our last blog tackled several of the most common clichés I hear about the retail industry. One cliché I didn’t mention is a “fact” that has been going around for years — people...
3 Reasons Retail Stores Will Survive and Thrive
Bring on the clichés, “malls are dead.” “Brick and mortar stores are dying.” “A retail apocalypse is upon us.” I’ve said in the past, those characterizations are an...
Why Demand is Still High in Multifamily Market
In 2019 alone, we built, or are currently building, nearly 4,000 apartment units and many of those projects are for repeat clients. In fact, nationwide there are more than...
Convention Center Features That Help Book Events
Every few years, our company holds an employee summit — two days for everyone in our company, from every job site and office across the country, to come together for training,...
Hospitality Trends That Drive Revenue
When you take a trip, there has to be an attraction drawing you to that particular location. In Orlando, it’s probably the theme parks and resorts. If you’re headed to Phoenix,...