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The First Step to Labor Shortage Relief

Take a moment and think about your career. How did you get to where you are now? Were there any opportunities you took that opened doors for you? One of the things I love about our company is the focus we put on extending opportunities to people who are willing to work hard and move ahead. That’s also what I love about the construction industry — there are a lot of opportunities to grow. I started out in construction working as a laborer/carpenter helper, then a carpenter, then a foreman, then was promoted to assistant superintendent, superintendent, and so on. I’m grateful for the opportunities I was given, and I’m grateful now to be in a position that I can motivate and advance others within our industry. But if there’s not a significant push to recruit and encourage the next generation to pursue employment in construction, everyone in our industry will feel the pain — if they don’t already.

Supply < Demand

By now, it’s no secret there’s a labor shortage in our industry. Skilled trades seem to be a dying breed. It’s an issue that is driving up construction costs and impacting our clients’ projects. Simply put, there’s not enough labor supply to feed the project demand. According to Go Build Alabama, for every four workers that leave the trade industry, only one is replacing them. The problem is students graduating high school aren’t pursuing skilled labor jobs. In fact, the average age of a skilled trade partner position today is 47 years old. So, how do we inspire the next generation of construction workers in order to ease the ongoing labor shortage? 

Reframing Success

I think there’s a stigma out there that if you don’t go to college, you can’t be successful. That’s absolutely not the case. I’ve seen firsthand the difference learning a skilled trade can have on a young person’s future. It opens doors, and with the current labor market conditions, all but guarantees employment right out of high school. One of our company’s newer employees, Eric Tellez, joined us after interning with us during his time at ABC’s Academy of Craft Training. We recognized talent and determination in him that matched our company’s core values. He graduated in May 2018 and started with us full time two weeks later. 

Our company has made it a mission to help recruit, train, and support young people, like Eric, to pursue a career in construction. We work to engage the next generation not only because it helps us, but also because we know it will help deliver value to our clients and their projects. We support many workforce development organizations across the country like SkillsUSA, the ACE Mentor Program, and ABC’s Academy of Craft Training. 

Pay it Forward

If there was one message I could get across to young people considering their future, it would be to take advantage of the many opportunities and possibilities available in the construction industry. Learning a skilled trade gives you a talent that will strengthen your resume and open up a lot of possibilities. There is more work out there right now than there are skilled workers, which makes construction a very good industry for job security. And if you’re looking for a career with advancement opportunities, there are supervisor roles in every trade, so you can continuously work your way up.

This time of year is all about being thankful. I’m thankful for a lot — including the opportunities I’ve had in my career. That’s why I, and my colleagues, are committed to extending similar opportunities to the next generation. If we all as an industry take the same approach to supporting workforce development programs, together maybe we can drive some relief in the ongoing labor shortage. So, I’d like to challenge anyone who has the opportunity to make a difference in a young person’s life by expanding on our recruiting efforts and guiding them to learn a skill in our industry. Start by checking out a few of the organizations designed to help: Academy of Craft TrainingSkills USA, and the ACE Mentor Program

Happy Thanksgiving! 


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