This excerpt originally appeared in an article on Construction Superintendent.
Last month, Construction Superintendent featured best practices—compiled by The Builder’s Association—to help protect the safety and well-being of the industry, including your crews, trade partners, clients and the general public. While countries all over the world continue to enact and update policies and procedures to slow the spread of the coronavirus disease, as essential workers, contractors remain on the frontlines each day. And for this issue, Construction Superintendent asked general contractors how they’re dealing with the COVID-19 climate in light of what is presently known about the disease. The response was overwhelming. Here’s what respondents had to say:
HOAR Construction
Keeping committed + current
“HOAR Construction’s thoughts are with those affected by the outbreak of this widespread virus and with the healthcare and scientific communities that are working tirelessly to help mitigate the impact,” said HOAR Construction President Turner Burton.
“We are always committed to the safety and well-being of our employees and trade partners. We have been actively monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and, as a result, enacted specific operating procedures for our projects across the country to accommodate the recommendations of the CDC for social distancing and hygiene, while continuing to move our projects forward. We are encouraging remote work and meetings whenever possible.
“Additionally, we are instructing employees to stay home and not report to work if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. As needed, we will provide additional sick paid time off to all employees impacted during this time.”
Burton adds that while the situation is changing on a daily basis, the company is “actively monitoring, speaking with our team, clients and partners to address questions they may have and adjusting our protocols as needed to accommodate the best interest of our employees, partners and clients.”