The Modular Model

The Modular Model

Modular construction is more than just a trend. This technique isn’t new, but today’s applications are building in speed-to-market, improving quality control, and providing much-needed certainty amidst ongoing supply chain challenges and labor shortages....
Meet Our Experts: Bryan Katzenmaier

Meet Our Experts: Bryan Katzenmaier

The people who plan, manage, and build our projects are all experts in their field, and an integral part of our company’s success. Bryan Katzenmaier is a Director of Business of Development, leading our growth and project pursuits around the Carolinas. He brings more...
Meet Our Experts: Matt Valentine

Meet Our Experts: Matt Valentine

The people who plan, manage, and build our projects are all experts in their field, and an integral part of our company’s success.  Healthcare Project Executive Matt Valentine has 10 years of experience in healthcare construction. Here’s 8 questions to get to know...