Meet Our Experts: Jordan Watts

Meet Our Experts: Jordan Watts

The people who plan, manage, and build our projects are all experts in their field, and an integral part of our company’s success. Jordan Watts is a project manager currently working on a high-rise tower in busy, midtown Atlanta. Here’s eight questions to get to know...
Meet Our Experts: David Filippone

Meet Our Experts: David Filippone

The people who plan, manage, and build our projects are all experts in their field, and an integral part of our company’s success. David Filippone is a senior superintendent with more than 41 years of experience in the industry. Here’s eight questions to get to know...
Cities from Scratch

Cities from Scratch

This article first appeared on the Virginia Business website. by M.J. McAteer For decades, Northern Virginia has experienced the kind of growth and prosperity that other areas of the country see only in their dreams. Now, several projects that are massive in both...