There is an ongoing cybersecurity threat that is targeting our industry, aimed at general contractors, construction companies, and their clients. These are real threats that...
Best Practices
How to Plan Complex Projects in Crowded Spaces
Imagine you’re visiting Florida for a summer vacation. You’ve planned the trip, bought the tickets, and booked rooms for your family. In the middle of your stay, your hotel loses...
5 Ways Preconstruction Can Create Certainty
We’ve all heard, “there’s no such thing as a sure thing.” While that’s true, in our industry there are proactive steps you can take to mitigate your risk on a project and protect...
Is Modular Construction Right for Your Project?
What difference does a decade make? Well, think about this — ten years ago, Uber, Instagram, and 4G networks didn’t exist. In fact, it was this time 10 years ago that Apple first...
3 Ways to Mix Tenants in Mixed-Use Projects
What makes a good neighbor? Or maybe a better question is what makes a bad neighbor? Someone who plays loud music? Maybe someone whose visitors park in front of your house? It...
How to Keep Steel Work on Schedule and Budget
Think about an assembly line. The workers at the beginning of the line have their parts and are ready to get started. But what happens if the work station down the line doesn’t...
The First Step to Labor Shortage Relief
Take a moment and think about your career. How did you get to where you are now? Were there any opportunities you took that opened doors for you? One of the things I love about...
Make Your Project All Treats, No Tricks
What keeps you up at night? We can think of a few nightmare situations that could pop up on a project. Budgets running out of control. Dead, vacant structures haunting valuable...
A Trusted Partner for Children’s of Alabama
May 23, 2009, we began a long journey with Children’s of Alabama to build not just a hospital – but a modern, sustainable building that would serve as a beacon of hope for sick...
5 Factors to Consider When Working on an Active Campus
My first higher education project with Hoar Construction was building a new student recreation and wellness center for Abilene Christian University. Our client wanted to replace...
4 Ways to Make Your Jobsite the Place People Want to Work
Have you every shared an office with someone? What kind of co-worker would you want working in a shared space? My guess is you wouldn’t want to work next to the person who leaves...
4 Site Factors That Can Derail your Budget
Picture a construction project. What comes to mind? Concrete trucks pouring foundations? Tower cranes moving steel into place? Maybe masons laying the building’s brick exterior?...