The people who plan, manage, and build our projects are all experts in their field, and an integral part of our company’s success. Glenn Wineinger is a MEP manager who uses his focused expertise to oversee the coordination process between mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection trades on our projects across all market sectors and divisions. Here’s eight questions to get to know more about him.
1. What’s your current day-to-day look like?
I am either visiting a project assisting the team with Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection systems or with Building Controls, Test and Balance, Fire alarm, Coordination, QAP and or Commissioning. If not on a project, I am reviewing the construction documents and specifications on new projects or as many are doing now, on video conference calls all day.
2. What’s the one lesson you’ve learned in this industry that’s stuck with you?
Trust, but verify.
3. Describe the last challenge/problem you solved on the job.
I helped lead an electrical shutdown to tie in new equipment to an active hospital. When a facility is operational 24/7/365, turning off any power for any length of time is difficult. On this project, my role was being a sort of unifying tie between our Hoar project team and our electrical trade partner. I believe I was able to assist both teams and help them collaborate together to build a plan that we both agreed on to submit to our owner and design team for their approval.
4. How did you get started in the industry?
I retired from the military at the end of 1994 after serving five years in the US Navy Submarine service. I was working security in a high-rise building and met a man who was testing and commissioning a renovated area. As the day progressed, I began questioning him about what or why he was doing what he was doing and by end of the day, he asked if I would be interested in working for him part time. By January 1995, I was working for him full time and I have loved being a part of this industry every day since!
5. What’s your funniest memory from your time with Hoar Construction?
Someone, who shall remain nameless, hid an “Annoy-A-Tron” device in my office. This device randomly makes a clicking noise that is so faint and on such a level that you cannot determine where its coming from. It will drive you nuts. After realizing the noise wouldn’t stop, I tried to locate the source. I tore my office apart before the prankster finally caved.
6. What’s the best part of your job?
Being able to work with so many different project teams, which are all made up of incredible individuals.
7. What’s your hidden talent?
Not sure about a talent, but I feel my best attribute is being flexible to help when needed.
8. What’s your proudest accomplishment?
After joining the US Navy, I volunteered for the Submarine Service while still in boot camp. My proudest accomplishment was completing the selection process including all the medical and psychological evaluations and then completing the Basic Enlisted Sub School. Then, earning the Submarine Service pin called Dolphins. To earn these Dolphins, you have 12 months once on board your first Sub to complete the qualifications and pass a board exam. Within the process, you must prove that you have thorough knowledge of submarine construction and operation in all divisions and systems within the entire boat and then you have to demonstrate this reliability under stress.